Grief Series: There are many reasons CDH families experience grief
Many CDH families experience grief.
Grief is a reaction to loss. Across our lifespan we will experience different degrees of loss. Grief is a very normal response, but looks (and feels) different for individuals.
In CDH families, grief may be triggered by the many different things, and sometimes again because of other factors.
- Loss of “normal” pregnancy
- Loss of decision-making regarding pregnancy care
- Loss of control over birth plan, attendants and location
- Loss of expected post-birth rituals (e.g. skin-to-skin contact, breastfeeding, family visits)
- Loss of ability to relate to mothers’ group or friends with children
- Loss of presence in other children’s lives
- Loss of their child
Grief can affect us in lots of different ways:
- Our feelings
- What we think
- Our physical health
- How we behave
- The quality of the decisions we make
- How we feel about the world
- How we interact with the people around us
People experiencing grief may feel:
- Numb
- Red-hot
- Panic
- Guilt
- Frustration
- Powerless
- Lonely
- Shock
- Denial
- Sad
- Hopeful
- Loss of trust or faith
- And a lot of other things (sometimes all at once)
There is no right or wrong way to experience grief; nor is there a timeline or rules to follow. Grief is a personal experience, but allowing people to walk alongside you in your grief can be healing.
Useful Resources
Join our Facebook Support Group
Watch our webinar: What is grief?
Visit our Mental health and wellbeing page
Visit our Information for family and friends page
Visit the Stages of the CDH journey section of our website
Download our fact sheet: How to support grieving parents
More from our Grief Series
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